Before the new year, I wanted to make sure you saw my email. Anything you can give before 2024 will help us reach the voters we need to win this competitive primary!
Here's that link, and thanks in advance. I hope you have a happy new year!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: "Katie Porter" <info@katieporter.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 31, 2023 at 11:43 AM
Subject: personal update
I wanted to reach out personally to share some updates on the campaign.
While earlier polls showed us leading or just barely trailing Adam Schiff, two December polls show Republican Steve Garvey in second place, with us in third.
These were the first polls to show us behind our Republican opponent. Because only the top two candidates, regardless of party, advance from the primary to the November general election, we can't let Republican Steve Garvey be the reason we fail to advance.
With ballots going out February 5th to all California voters, these next few weeks are critical to ensure I can keep running to represent California in the U.S. Senate.
Our end of quarter fundraising deadline is 12/31, and this is a marker for our campaign and the momentum we're building. But we have to ramp up our fundraising if we're going to win.
A super PAC has already spent $1 million on ads supporting another candidate in this race, and Adam Schiff has outraised us every quarter so far. I am the only candidate in this race who doesn't accept corporate PAC or federal lobbyist money, so every dollar I raise comes from my supporters like you.
If you can contribute before the end of the year, I would be so appreciative! Anything you can give today will ensure I have the opportunity to build momentum and communicate with undecided voters across California before the competitive March primary.
You can make a contribution here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kp4s-em-20231231-1?refcode=20231231-1
Thank you for your past and continued support! You're an important part of Team Porter, and I am grateful you're on my side.