Thursday, December 14, 2023

"Weak, pathetic and small"

Seven of the top ten states with the highest murder rates in the country are "red" states.
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Jason -

Seven of the top ten states with the highest murder rates in the country are "red" states.

And what are Republican governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott doing about it? They are actually making it easier for people who shouldn't own guns to have them.

It's no wonder Fred Guttenberg — a parent of one of the children who died during the shooting in Parkland, Florida — called Ron DeSantis "weak, pathetic, and small."

Please watch this clip and share it widely. I don't think most people know cities like Jacksonville and Orlando have a much higher murder rate than cities like San Francisco — no matter what Republicans say.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Florida had one of the worst mass shootings in American history. 17 children brutally MURDERED, 17 more shot down in Parkland. Parkland parents pleaded with Ron to address gun violence. And what did he do? Ron ROLLED BACK common sense gun safety measures. Shameful.'

California has some of the strongest gun laws in the country, and as a result, we have some of the lowest per-capita gun death rates in the country. What we have done here works.

It's time to do it nationally.

- Gavin Newsom


☀️ Wait wait wait! Don't go just yet. 🔥

Far-right Republicans and the NRA will attack us and do whatever they can to stop our progress in the fight to amend the Constitution on guns.

But the good news is that the people are on our side, the facts are on our side, and if we stick together we are going to get this done and save lives. It may not happen soon, but you have to believe it will happen.

Gavin Newsom's pledge to you is every donation made today will go right toward our fight to pass a Constitutional amendment on guns. If that sounds worth it to you, please contribute $20 today.

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