Friday, December 8, 2023


Sarah Huckabee Sanders fans the flames of the culture wars so hard to distract from her administration's poor health care, education, and public safety outcomes.
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Hi Jason. Gavin Newsom here.

I don't expect you to donate to every fundraising email we send out, but I do hope you'll donate to this one.

It's for the Arkansas Democratic Party.

They have more Democrats on the ballot in this election than at any point in the last decade and are working hard to break Sarah Huckabee Sanders' supermajority in both chambers.

If that's all you need to hear, please contribute any amount you can afford today to the Arkansas Democratic Party at this link:

The truth is, there are a lot of people hurting in Arkansas. That is why Sarah Huckabee Sanders fans the flames of the culture wars so hard — to distract from her administration's poor health care, education, and public safety outcomes.

We can't give up on those people. They need our help. And because elections in Arkansas aren't as expensive as those in California or other larger states, every donation goes a very long way.

So please:

$3 for the Arkansas Democratic Party because they have more Democrats running in every corner of the state to hold Sarah Huckabee Sanders accountable.

$3 for the Arkansas Dems because they have a chance to break Republican supermajorities in this election and doing-so would give hope to many people in the state.

$3 because Democrats need to fight everywhere — even in states with governors like Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

So what do you say?

Can I count on you to contribute $3, or whatever you can afford today, directly to the Arkansas Democratic Party? They will put your donation right to work supporting the wave of new candidates running all across the state.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

We have a chance to make a real difference — and to show that when Democrats have the resources to fight everywhere, we can win.

Thank you,



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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815

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