Tuesday, June 13, 2023


I went on Sean Hannity's show last night, and I wanted to share some of the clips with you.
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Jason -

I went on Sean Hannity's show last night, and I wanted to share some of the clips with you.

Before you watch (or after), if you believe Democrats have to take the fight directly to Republicans please contribute $3, or whatever you can afford today, to my Campaign for Democracy PAC.

Here's the facts about Joe Biden's record-breaking jobs and unemployment numbers:

Tweet from Meidas Touch: 'Wow. Gavin Newsom is completely destroying Hannity on his own show.'

The facts about Joe Biden's record of reducing inflation faster than his peers globally:

Tweet from Carla Marinucci:'--Anyone who's covered @GavinNewsom knows he's a nerd for numbers...@JoeBiden should thank him for this segment, where Newsom happily delivers to @Hannity the receipts on global economy & the issue of inflation'

The truth about Ron DeSantis's immigration stunt:

Tweet from @Acyn:'Newsom: I'm a border state. Ron Desantis is not. I know he's desperate to get in on the action. He's belly flopped. Donald Trump is going to clean his clock. This is a stunt. It's embarrassing. It's pathetic'

And the truth about Republican attacks on California:

Tweet from Gavin Newsom:'Fox News loves to say that CA is doomed. The truth is -- CA's economy has continued to outperform the nation. Our state is #1 in the nation for new business starts. #1 for access to venture capital funding. And #1 for tourism spending.'

Here is the truth:

Like I've said before, we are taking the fight directly to the extremist Republicans who are systematically attacking the very foundations of our free society.

It's working.

Please contribute $3 to my Campaign for Democracy PAC today.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,

Gavin Newsom


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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815

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