Thursday, June 8, 2023

We need a 28th Amendment to the Constitution on guns

Today, I am proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to make our communities safer from gun violence.
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Jason -

If Congress and the courts will not take action to help make our communities safer from gun violence, then we — the people — must do it ourselves.

Today, I am proposing a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to do just that.

The 28th Amendment will:

  • Raise the federal minimum age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21.

  • Mandate universal background checks.

  • Institute a reasonable waiting period for all gun purchases.

  • Ban civilian purchase of assault weapons.

I am asking you to add your name to say you support a 28th Amendment to make us safer from gun violence. It's a small and simple act, but it will speak volumes about the strength of this movement:

Add your name to become a Citizen Co-Sponsor of the 28th Amendment to make our communities safer from gun violence.


Convening a constitutional convention requires 34 state legislatures to call for this.

It starts with one, and California will be the first.

Will finding 33 more states calling to amend the Constitution be easy? No, of course not, I am clear-eyed about that.

But it has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. And there's no better time than now, and no one better than you:

Add your name to say you want your state to call for a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to finally address gun violence in our communities.


Congress has not done enough. The courts prevent Congress and the states from doing what has to be done. Given that reality, it's up to us — together — to act.

The 28th Amendment.

- Gavin Newsom



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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815

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