Monday, June 26, 2023

Inconvenient facts for Republicans

Keep these handy
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Jason -

Keep these handy.

1. Joe Biden has created more jobs than the last three Republican presidents COMBINED.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Here is a fact that the @GOP doesn't want you to know: @POTUS has created more jobs than the last 3 Republican presidents COMBINED'

2. Middle class families in California pay LESS in taxes than in states like Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Here's another fun fact the @GOP don't want you to know... Middle class families in California pay LESS in taxes than in states like Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.'

3. People do want action to make our communities safer from gun violence.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Even Fox News can't deny that the 28th Amendment is widely popular. Here's their most recent polling to prove it: - Raising minimum age to buy a gun to 21: 81% - Background checks: 87% - A standard waiting period: 77% - Banning assault rifle sales: 61%'

4. Support for same-sex marriage is now at a record 71% high.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Support for same-sex marriage is now at a record 71% high. cc: the @GOP'

5. They do ban books in Florida.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: ''There has not been a single book banned in Florida.' Last school year, Florida had 566 bans across 21 school districts.'

Thanks. Please share.

- Gavin

👋🏻 Hi. Please don't click away just yet. ☀️

Far-right Republicans and the NRA will attack us and do whatever they can to stop our progress in the fight to amend the Constitution on guns.

But the good news is, the people are on our side; the facts are on our side; and if we stick together we are going to get this done and save lives. It may not happen soon, but you have to believe it will happen.

Gavin Newsom's pledge to you is every donation made today will go right toward our fight to pass a Constitutional amendment on guns. If that sounds worth it to you, please contribute $20 today.

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