Wrote this from seat 9B on the United flight back to Dallas from Houston. We then drove from DFW airport to a big rally in Irving, our 58th early voting event over the first 9 days of polls being open.
The turnout and the energy was off the charts. That also reflects what we're seeing at the polls. Not only is Texas far surpassing turnout from the last midterm election, we are on track to potentially exceed Presidential election year levels.
From a state that has historically ranked 50th in voter turnout, that's huge.
And it means that all of the hard work -- all of the miles, all of the town halls, all of the doors, all of the phone calls, all of the volunteers we've connected with the voters of Texas -- it's all paying off.
A lot of these voters who are shattering the turnout records are voting for the first time. You helped us reach them and get them registered. A lot of them are voters who have never voted in a midterm in their life. You got them off the sidelines and into the game. Some are Republicans who will be voting for the first Democrat in their life. Others have dropped out of voting altogether until you gave us the resources to reach them and give them a reason to join us.
Keep me up on air so everyone watching TV sees our message. Keep me in front of people as we travel the counties of Texas. Help me share the urgency of the election of our lifetime with everyone in Texas, wherever they are -- in person, online, on the air, wherever -- we've got to do everything we can to invite everyone in Texas to decide the future of this country.
We're almost there -- let's give it all we've got and win this.
Grateful to you for making this possible,