Sunday, October 28, 2018


Beto for Texas


I wanted to be sure you saw the news: as of yesterday, volunteers across Texas have knocked on ONE MILLION DOORS since our 'get the vote' for Beto program began only a few short weeks ago. And supporters have made more than 8.5 million calls!

But we're not easing off the gas -- far from it. Next weekend, November 3 and 4, is our final weekend of action to 'get out the vote' for Beto before Election Day. I'm asking you to host a phone bank and make calls to as many Texas voters as possible to get them to the polls.

Host a phone bank for Beto

If you can't host a phone bank, you can still help by contributing $10 to help push Beto to victory.

With just 9 days to go, everything comes down to this final home stretch. Together, we've built the largest grassroots field operation in the nation. And it's working: at this moment, Texas is seeing record voter turnout. In many of our state's 254 counties, more Texans have voted early than in the entirety of 2014's early voting period.

But whether Beto wins or loses comes down to what each of us does these final days. So let's give it everything we've got.

Thank you so much for being part of this,

Alexandria Sousa
Distributed Organizing Director
Beto for Texas



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