Thursday, October 25, 2018

Razor-thin margin

Beto for Texas


Just think: In 12 days, we could be celebrating a historic victory for the entire country by electing Beto O'Rourke for Senate. On the other hand, Ted Cruz could win, and we'd be saddled with several more years of him.

The results will impact millions of lives across the United States -- from Texas to California. The Senate majority hangs in the balance. Feel the weight of that for a moment. And I want you to imagine how you would feel about what you did between now and November 6 if Cruz won.

In less than 48 hours, a massive weekend of action is starting. There are opportunities for anyone to help 'get out the vote' for Beto -- no matter where you live.

We've already identified the exact Texas voters who'd likely vote for Beto, but we need to make sure they get to the polls when it counts. October 27-28 is the only weekend when we can help them take advantage of early voting. To stay on track to win, we need to call huge numbers of Texas voters this weekend.

This is how you can leave your mark on this election: Call as many Texas voters as possible with us this weekend at a phone bank near you. It's 3 hours of calling per shift. Sign up for an event now:

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Saturday, October 27, 10:00 AM
4220 Glencoe Avenue, suite 150, 90292

Get more info or RSVP »

Sunday, October 28, 10:00 AM
4220 Glencoe Avenue, suite 150, 90292

Get more info or RSVP »

Sunday, October 28, 1:00 PM
11840 Westminster Ave, 90066

Get more info or RSVP »

Right now, thousands of volunteers are putting their lives on hold to make this race a priority. It takes my breath away to think about what we've achieved together. We've organized tens of thousands of events across Texas. We've built the largest volunteer network in the state! And we've generated record-breaking voter turnout.

We're a razor-thin margin away from winning. The latest poll shows Beto within the margin of error. But there's a real danger that we won't be able to get Beto over the finish line if more people don't volunteer to talk to voters. If we don't succeed, everything we've built will be in jeopardy.

Together, we can do this. No matter what happens, don't wake up on the morning of November 7 with regrets about whether you did everything you could to help Beto win.

What we've already accomplished is amazing, but what comes next can be so much better.

Let's do this!

Alexandria Sousa
Distributed Organizing Director
Beto for Texas 

P.S. If you can't make calls, you can still help by pitching in $10 to our 'get out the vote' efforts. Every dollar goes directly into this historic field program. 



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