Sunday, October 28, 2018

did you see this news about turnout?

Good morning from Houston! Wanted to ask a quick question -- did you see this news from the Texas Tribune?

Beto for Texas

This is just one of many headlines about the historic spikes in voter turnout across Texas. And Jason, it's not just huge turnout -- this year, we're changing who shows up to vote. Since day one of our campaign, Beto has inspired millions of NEW voters to join our movement, and thanks to you, this race is within the margin of error.

Now, with just 9 days to go, we need to push harder than ever before to close the gap and win. Beto's been asking how close we are to reaching our end-of-month goal -- and I want to share good news with him before tonight's all-staff campaign meeting.

Click here to give another contribution today if you can afford to. We'll put it to use and reach voters across Texas.

Talk soon,

Chris Evans
Beto for Texas


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