Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wow, this new poll:

Beto for Texas

Jason, a brand-new poll came out late last night. We wanted to make sure you saw.

The poll shows Beto behind by only 3.6%, a gap we can -- and must -- close. The more shocking stat is that 5.7% of Texans polled remain undecided between us and Ted Cruz. Whether or not we convince those folks to swing our way all comes down to what we do in these final few days.

We're asking now -- please send Beto an urgent $10 donation to help us win over those last-minute voters. Your contribution could mean the difference between us winning or losing this race.

Contribute $10 »

Here's what we'll do with your contributions:

  • Share Beto's vision for Texas in television and online ads. Many voters still haven't heard enough about Beto. If we can reach them, we can win.
  • Mobilize hundreds of field staff and volunteers to talk to voters. Your donations fuel the largest voter contact effort Texas has ever seen in the last six days.

There's never been a more important time to donate. Please contribute $10 or whatever you can afford ahead of midnight tonight so we can close the tiny gap between Beto and Ted Cruz.

We can't thank all of you enough for everything you've given this campaign. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Let's close out the next few days as strong as possible.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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