Thursday, October 25, 2018

Quick update on early vote numbers in Texas

Beto for Texas


It's day four of early voting here in Texas. We're getting lots of interesting data coming back to the campaign. Here's a high-level overview:

  1. We broke the record for early voting turnout in a midterm. About as many Texans are voting early as they do in presidential elections. This is a really good sign for Beto.

  2. Polls have Beto within the margin of error -- it's going to be CLOSE.

  3. We need to turn out more young voters. Young voters usually vote on weekends when they're off of school and work. We can pick up our pace if we make a really big push this weekend.

Jason, this election could be decided by a handful of votes. Given how close this is, we need to increase our investment in "get out the vote" advertising to Beto supporters -- especially young voters.

Can you chip in again right now to our targeted advertising to get out Beto voters? Your donations right now could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Contribute $10 »

It's absolutely critical that we reach our end-of-month fundraising goal. Right now is the time our investments will make the biggest difference. That's why your donation right now means so much.

Thanks for all your support,

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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