Wednesday, October 31, 2018

sorry so early -- big news broke late last night

Beto for Texas

Jason, sorry to email so early -- some really big news broke late last night and I wanted to get it over to you first thing this morning.

A brand-new poll from the University of Texas at Tyler shows Beto behind Ted Cruz among likely voters by a slim 3.6 points.

This is HUGE news with less than one week until Election Day. We need to jump on this news fast. We can close this gap.

Quick: pitch in another contribution of $10 or more to Beto's campaign and help us reach as many Texans as possible in these final six days.

Contribute $10 »

There's so much momentum on our side: Beto absolutely crushed his town hall on MSNBC last night, sharing the values we're all fighting for in this campaign across the state. Texans are voting early in record-breaking numbers. And poll after poll shows what you and I know to be true: Beto can win this race.

But it'll only happen if enough people step up and help him do it at the moment it matters most. We can't let this day pass us by -- not with so much on the line, and not with November 6 so soon.

We're up against the FINAL end-of-month fundraising deadline of our campaign tonight at midnight. Can you give a little more to help Beto reach more voters? I guarantee it'll be put to great use.

Talk soon,

Chris Evans
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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