Tuesday, October 30, 2018

most important week of the entire election

Beto for Texas


Time is running out to make a difference in this race -- but a brand-new poll this week shows Beto 'within striking distance.' We've gained four points since the beginning of the month.

This much is clear: Our strategy is working, but we have to keep pressing aggressively.

There's only one week left before the polls close. It's the most important week of this entire election. If we make an epic grassroots push now, we can push Beto over the top. But it will take all of us, so we're asking for your help, urgently.

Can you rush another $10 contribution or more to Beto's campaign tonight? Help us keep the momentum surging -- until we can surpass Cruz.

Contribute $10 »

While the Cruz campaign is backed by corporate special interests and big PACs pouring millions of dollars into Texas, we're mobilizing grassroots supporters at historic levels. Pure grassroots organizing is how we've gotten so close to winning.

We're channeling every single contribution directly into: 1) our biggest voter contact mobilization effort of the whole campaign -- the final four days before Election Day, and 2) boosting Beto's positive vision for Texas across every media outlet possible, across the airwaves and online.

Thanks to your contributions, we've already reached millions of Texas voters. But there are still millions more to reach, and we're running out of time. We have to get more resources to our field program and ads team immediately.

We can't afford to fall short of our end-of-month fundraising goal. We've come too far -- and are too close to winning -- to let this slip away now. Can Beto count on you to pitch in now, before the month is out?

We have the guts, determination and sheer numbers to win.

Let's do this.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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