Thursday, October 25, 2018

Critical information

Beto for Texas


Together, our grassroots network has accomplished so much -- but today, I need to share some critical information with you.

You know we've raised a lot of money for this race -- but Jason, I'm telling you right now: we can't slow down. Even though the official reports show that our campaign is out-raising Cruz's, this doesn't take into account all the money from the eleven super PACs backing Cruz. We don't exactly know how much they have, but we know that it's millions.

What's going to matter in the last days of this campaign -- what's going to cut through the noise of all the negative ads and crazy tweets -- is the same thing that always has: people talking to people. Our path to electing Beto is made possible by people, not PACs. So what our work looks like from now through November 6 is by no means run-of-the-mill. And it's the most ambitious project that I've ever been part of.

I want you to know exactly what we're doing between now and November 6 to elect Beto -- and I want to ask you to help fund it before October 31, when the month is out.

Contribute $10 »

Because your contributions mean so much to us, I want you to know exactly where the money is being spent. Here's our plan: 

  • Execute the largest 'get out the vote' organizing operation in Texas history. There's never been such a massive or sophisticated field program like this one in the state of Texas. It's one of the largest of its kind for a US Senate race. Hundreds of field staff are working day and night to support thousands of volunteers who are contacting millions of voters. And we're using the most advanced tactics and technology to do it.
  • Make sure Beto's positive vision reaches millions of Texans online and via TV ads. Eleven outside groups are spending millions attacking Beto with negative ads to try to mislead voters. We need to keep countering their attacks across all 20 media markets in Texas and online. 
  • Mobilize historic numbers of young people to vote and volunteer. Young Texans are on the front lines, leading the fight for our values -- and they have the power to help swing this election. No political pollster would tell Beto to campaign on college campuses -- but we're engaging with and organizing alongside thousands of young people who are volunteering and voting for Beto.
  • Lead and support thousands of organizing events between now and November 6. There will be huge numbers of phone banks all across Texas. There will be rallies and town halls. And there will be unprecedented levels of door-knocking events in all 254 counties of Texas, including this weekend when we're knocking on 400,000 doors

We rely 100% on people like you, contributing via emails like this one, to power these efforts.

When we win this November, not only will we be able to make huge progress toward a future that works for all of us (in Texas and for the country) -- but we will also set a precedent that it's possible to win an election without selling out. 

If this is a path that you believe in, we need your help to fund it. We have an important deadline at the end of this month, and we're about $250,000 short of the amount we need to cover our costs.

Thank you for everything so far,

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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