Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Falling behind

Beto for Texas


I'll keep this short. More than 4.1 million early votes have been cast in Texas. Beto and Ted Cruz are neck and neck. We can win, but we need to get every last supporter to the polls.

For us to do that, we need to hit every one of our final fundraising goals. Unfortunately, we've fallen behind on our fundraising, and we need a lot of help making up lost ground. Can Beto count on you to contribute again?

Send Beto another $10 contribution before tonight when the time is up on our end-of-month goal. Your contribution now could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Contribute $10 »

As you know, we don't have any super PACs waiting in the wings to fund our final get-out-the-vote plan. We only rely on contributors like you -- that's why emails like this one are so important.

Please make another last-minute contribution to our end-of-month goal.

Thank you so much for everything you've contributed to make our campaign possible.

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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