Tuesday, October 30, 2018

GOOD news for Beto

Beto for Texas


In just a second, I'm going to ask you to make a contribution to Beto towards our final end-of-month goal. But first I hope you'll let me spell out the three reasons we're so optimistic about our chances heading into these final days:

  1. Based on the kinds of voters who have already cast ballots early, this election is extremely close. Beto can win!
  2. This year already set a new record for early voting turnout. Beto has inspired unprecedented numbers of new voters to join our movement. We're not just increasing turnout, we're changing who votes. And that makes all the difference.
  3. Young people are turning out to vote at a rate 2X how many voted in 2014.

Millions more Texans still haven't voted yet -- and it's up to us to get every single Beto supporter to the polls. Beto can win -- he's counting on us to crush our fundraising goals so we can fully fund all our 'get out the vote' programs. Unfortunately, our fundraising has dipped down lately. Can we count on you to help make up lost ground?

Rush another $10 contribution right now to Beto before the time is up on our final end-of-month goal.

Contribute $10 »

This election could come down to just a few thousand votes. It'll be extremely close. When we win on November 6, it'll be because people like you stepped up to contribute and fund this grassroots campaign. No PACs, no corporations. Just people.

I'm so grateful for each of you,

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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