Sunday, October 28, 2018

Record. Breaking. Voter. Turnout.

Beto for Texas


Last night, we got some incredible news: since we launched our 'get out the vote' efforts in early October, our amazing organizing team has knocked on over ONE MILLION doors in Texas.

The latest polls have Ted Cruz barely leading by just a few points, and now we're seeing record-breaking voter turnout -- making the uncertainty of the outcome even greater. We need to get more Beto supporters out to the polls, and every door you knock and every dollar you give helps us connect with even more voters.

Please make another $10 contribution right now to help us get as many Beto voters to the polls as possible in this election. Every single contribution matters in this close race.

Contribute $10 »

Every single person who's supporting Beto is helping rewrite history -- including you. Together, we're changing the face of the electorate in Texas, inviting millions of new people to participate in our democracy.

Our equation to win is simple: we need to reach even more Texas voters in these final 9 days. That means we need our volunteers and our organizers to keep knocking on doors, making calls and sending texts. And we need to keep Beto out on the road, meeting face-to-face with every last Texan he can.

The outcome of this election could truly go either way. For us to win, we cannot afford to fall short of our end-of-month fundraising goal -- and we mean this. That's why we have to ask again.

If you can afford to, dig deep and pitch in another contribution of $10 to our record-breaking, history-making campaign for U.S. Senate. We've only got 9 days to close this narrow gap.

Everything we do in these final 9 days will make a difference.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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