Friday, October 26, 2018

They never expected this

Beto for Texas


The latest polls have Ted Cruz narrowly leading by just a few points. It's so close that a big push now could tip the scales in our favor. But something the pollsters never expected is happening right here in Texas: totally abnormal, crazy-big, record-breaking voter turnout.

Please make another $10 contribution right now to help us get as many Beto voters to the polls as possible in this election. Every contribution matters in this close race.

Contribute $10 »

Polls of likely voters are weighted based on turnout in the last midterm. In 2014, 4.7 million voters cast a ballot. Based on early voting numbers, we're on track to blow that out of the water.

More importantly, we're not just boosting turnout. We're changing who shows up to vote. Beto is inspiring millions of new voters to join our movement at the polls.

This election is a true toss-up. We need to hit our final end-of-month fundraising goal to be able to fully fund the field and advertising efforts that will bring us a win on November 6. That's why we have to ask again.

Can you chip in another contribution of $10 or more to help push Beto over the line?

When Beto kicked off his campaign for U.S. Senate, pundits on both sides of the aisle said he didn't stand a chance. Then, we built the largest grassroots campaign in the nation. Now, we're on the verge of a massive upset. These final few days are critical.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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