Thursday, September 21, 2023


We have the capacity to go on offense and change the course of history for our kids.
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Jason -

The future is not something to experience, it's something to manifest. It's decisions, not conditions, that determine our fate and future.

The other side is counting on us to give up and give in.

They want us to believe that it doesn't matter what laws states like California or even Congress pass, that the courts will just throw them out. So why even try?


We have the capacity to go on offense and change the course of history for our kids. Because guns are the number one killer of our kids, and we have the capacity to turn that around.

That is what the Right to Safety Constitutional Amendment does.

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: NEW: California just became the first state in the nation to officially propose an Amendment to the United States Constitution to end our nation's gun violence crisis. Time to enshrine 4 widely supported gun safety freedoms -- 1) Raising the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21 2) Universal background checks 3) A reasonable waiting period for gun purchases 4) Banning civilian purchases of assault weapons. No more waiting around for Congress. It's time to act.

Thank you for being a part of this fight from the start. Now it's time to expand our efforts beyond California.



πŸ‘‹πŸ» Wait ... Before you click away! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Now that California became the first state to call for a Constitutional Amendment on gun safety, we need to get this thing introduced and passed in other states.

That takes work. It takes organizing. And it's work we are committed to doing. But Gavin Newsom can't do it alone.

So please. If contributing $20 today feels like it's worth expanding this effort to other states, make that donation here. It's people like you who will help us continue to make progress on this issue. Thank you.

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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815

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