Tuesday, September 19, 2023

This is how crazy things have gotten

Just last week two out of three 9th Circuit Court judges threw out California's first-in-the-nation ban on marketing guns to kids.
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Jason -

I don't know if you all saw this, but just last week two out of three 9th Circuit Court judges tossed out California's first-in-the-nation ban on marketing guns to kids.

Guns like the JR-15. I kid you not. Look at this:

An advertisement for the JR-15 showing a gun next to a baby's skull with a pacifier.

Google it if you don't believe me.

The marketing for this thing was the skulls of young babies with a green pacifier and a pink pacifier – one for a little boy and one for a little girl.

That is how perverted and crazy things have gotten.

And judges said we didn't have the right to ban ads like that, like when Joe Camel was trying to sell cigarettes to kids.

They said we couldn't do that.

So we can feel powerless and we can give into cynicism, or we can actually do something. Because we have agency here.

I want to go on the offense. And with our fight to pass a Constitutional Amendment to make our communities safer from gun violence, that is what we are doing.

Thank you,

Gavin Newsom


πŸ‘‹πŸ» Wait ... Before you click away! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Now that California became the first state to call for a Constitutional Amendment on gun safety, we need to get this thing introduced and passed in other states.

That takes work. It takes organizing. And it's work we are committed to doing. But Gavin Newsom can't do it alone.

So please. If contributing $20 today feels like it's worth expanding this effort to other states, make that donation here. It's people like you who will help us continue to make progress on this issue. Thank you.

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