Sunday, September 24, 2023

Wake up, America!

Late Friday, a federal judge struck down California's law banning the possession of large-capacity firearm magazines.
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Jason -

Late Friday, a federal judge struck down California's law banning the possession of large-capacity firearm magazines.

BREAKING: California's high-capacity magazine ban was just STRUCK DOWN by Judge Benitez, an extremist, right-wing zealot with no regard to human life.  Wake up, America. Our gun safety laws will continue to be thrown out by NRA-owned federal judges until we pass a Constitutional Amendment to protect our kids and end the gun violence epidemic in America.

It's time to wake up.

Unless we pass a Constitutional Amendment to make our communities safer from gun violence, we are at the mercy of ideologue judges like this -- the same judge who compared the AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife.

All of our gun safety laws that are proven to save lives are at risk.

Invalidating laws we pass. Invalidating what the voters decide.

Concealed carry. Banning weapons of war. Reasonable waiting periods. Background checks.

Radical right-wing judges will come for all of them.

This is EXACTLY why I've called for a Constitutional amendment, and this is why I'll keep fighting to defend our right to protect ourselves from gun violence.

- Gavin


πŸ‘‹πŸ» Wait! Don't click away yet! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

California just became the first state to call for a Constitutional Amendment on gun violence.

But we can't stop there.

Please make a contribution to Gavin Newsom's Campaign for Democracy PAC today and EVERY dollar we raise will go right toward a campaign to introduce and pass resolutions calling for a Constitutional Amendment in more states.

There has been interest, and we have heard from several states already, but it will take hard work – and resources – to get it done.

If that sounds worth it, please contribute $20, or whatever you can afford today.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


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