Sunday, September 17, 2023

We’re suing Big Oil… and it’s a Big Deal.

I wanted you to hear it directly from me:
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Jason —

I wanted you to hear it directly from me:

California is suing five major oil companies for wreaking havoc on our planet and lying about the dangers of fossil fuels.

For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us -- covering up the fact that they have long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet.

Their coverup delayed our transition away from fossil fuels and squandered the limited time we had to avoid disasters like those Californians are now experiencing.

They have polluted the air.

They have given our kids asthma.

They have fueled the fires that choke our air with smoke.

They have contributed to a changing climate that has resulted in more drought, floods, extreme weather, the hottest temperatures on record, ocean acidification and put the very habitability of our planet at risk for future generations.

And they knew. For decades.

Now you might be asking yourself right now what price anyone paid for the lies that have cost billions and billions of dollars and many lives in California and across the country?

It's a good question. And the answer is ... no price. They have actually made record profits. Obscene amounts of money.

No more.

It is time to hold them accountable.

California's taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for wildfires wiping our entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heatwaves and record-breaking drought parching our heels.

We're going to take action to hold big polluters accountable, and I thought you'd want to know that.

Thank you,



👋🏻 Hi. Please don't click away just yet. 🌱

Oil companies paid to qualify for a ballot initiative in California that would let them drill next to schools, daycares and homes. If everyone reading this donated just $20 to help us beat them at the ballot box, we'll keep millions of kids safe from their pollution.

If that sounds worth $20, please make a donation to Gavin Newsom's ballot measure committee today.

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