Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Before we get too far into the day

Beto for Texas

Jason, our entire team is working their hearts out right now. There are only a handful of us in our El Paso headquarters holding down the fort while the rest of our massive team is out knocking on doors, talking to Texas voters to remind them to vote for Beto today. (I'm going block walking later today, too, once I wrap up a few final things here.)

Before we get too far into the day, I wanted to give you a quick update on our FINAL fundraising goal of the campaign:

Beto for Texas

As I'm writing you, it looks like we're short. Click here to give another contribution of $10 or more to help us get even closer to reaching our goal before the polls close tonight.

Contribute $10 »

Your contributions will make sure we can keep Beto's digital ads up all the way through when the polls close here in El Paso (Mountain time!), and keep our organizers out in the field, reaching every last voter.

Thanks -- I'll check back in once more today.

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas


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