Monday, November 5, 2018

They’re trying to measure our momentum

Beto for Texas


The eyes of the nation are on us right now -- Beto vs. Ted Cruz is the race everyone is talking about, from reporters to the rest of the country. They are watching to see if Texans will stand up on Tuesday and send an unmistakable message about the future they want.

And right now, everyone is trying to pinpoint the level of our momentum. That's why news reporters and the Cruz campaign are watching our progress on this fundraising goal closely. If we can close the gap and hit this goal, it'll send a big message about the strength of our campaign headed into Election Day.

We can't afford to fall behind with everyone watching and counting on us. Can you chip in another donation right now towards our goal? If everyone gives a little bit, we can reach this goal and shock the nation with a big win on Tuesday. 

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

This team has never let Beto down before  -- we've reached goals we all thought were totally insurmountable. I know we can reach this one by the time polls close.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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