Sunday, November 4, 2018

Dead even.

Beto for Texas

Wow, Jason. Yesterday's breaking poll from Change Research shows the impact of our massive field program clearer than ever:

Poll shows Beto and Ted are dead even

Beto is "dead even" with Ted Cruz among likely Texas voters because our grassroots network is putting in the work to win (yesterday, volunteers knocked on 290 doors per minute to make sure likely Beto voters get to the polls!). This is the kind of effort we need to win on Election Day.

But our final sprint is far from over. Every minute of making calls to voters until the polls close on Tuesday evening gets Beto closer to winning. There's still time to make a huge impact by joining a phone bank with us -- please sign up now:

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Monday, November 5, 10:00 AM
4220 Glencoe Avenue, suite 150, 90292

Get more info or RSVP »

Tuesday, November 6, 10:00 AM
4220 Glencoe Avenue, suite 150, 90292

Get more info or RSVP »

Monday, November 5, 4:00 PM
1526 14th Street, Suite 108, 90404

Get more info or RSVP »

We're so close to winning. We can't leave anything to chance. That means it's important for everyone to make as many calls as possible. We really, really need you with us in these final days.

Right now is the next step. Don't wait to sign up for your next opportunity to make calls for Beto. Let's get after it and leave nothing left in the tank.


Team Beto




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