Saturday, November 3, 2018

BREAKING: brand-new poll shows Beto and Cruz “dead even”

Beto for Texas

A brand-new poll out today shows this race is officially DEAD EVEN.

Jason, a brand-new poll out today shows this race is officially DEAD EVEN. We'll get right to it: we need you to rush another contribution of $10 or more to Beto's campaign right now.

Contribute $10 »

The energy we're seeing on the ground here in Texas is incredible:

  • Texans voted early at levels we've only seen during presidential elections

  • Early voting among young Texans is up by more than 500%

  • As you're reading this, tens of thousands of volunteers (many of whom have never volunteered for a campaign before) are out knocking on doors, reminding our supporters to vote for Beto

Poll after poll shows Beto has closed the gap, and now, this brand-new poll shows Beto and Cruz dead even: 49% - 49%. But what the pollsters and the pundits never accounted for was the sheer number of brand-new voters who are showing up and voting for Beto. It's up to us to get even more Beto supporters to the polls. 

Thanks for being a donor -- your gifts thus far have helped power our campaign. Can you dig deep and give another contribution of $10 right now?

We'll put this in all caps because we're that fired up:


Let's do this.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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