Saturday, November 3, 2018

It’s not too late

Beto for Texas


It's not too late to contribute and help Beto win. In fact, if you can chip in $10 right now, please do! If you have just a few moments, I want to explain exactly where your donations will be put to really good use, especially during these final days of the election.

  • Airing TV ads with Beto's message to counteract Ted Cruz's super PACs.

  • Funding the largest organizing staff in the state to help volunteers knock 1 million doors before polls close on Election Day.

  • Calling millions of Texans and reminding them to vote.

  • Mailing registered voters information about Beto to sway swing votes.

  • Running digital ads with voting info for known Beto supporters.

Our strategy is working. We've closed the gap in the polls, and early voting turnout broke records. But we need to hit our $3.5 million goal to fully fund everything I listed out above. We don't want to have to scale back anything when I know we're so close to winning on Tuesday.

Donate $10 right now before November 6 -- we'll use every penny strategically before the polls close on Tuesday.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

Our campaign has been well-funded because of YOU. Your support has carried us this far, and now we're going to bring home a win together.

But we know this race will be extremely close, and we can't risk losing by just a few thousand votes.

Add your $10 contribution right now to push Beto across the finish line. We've come so far, and now we're excitingly close to upsetting Ted Cruz and electing Beto.

Thanks for everything,

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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