Sunday, November 4, 2018

We have to catch up

Beto for Texas


Wanted to send you a quick update because we are running behind on our fundraising. We need to raise roughly $150,000 tonight to get back on track and stay on pace to reach our goal. If we fall short, we'll have to cut back significantly on our final advertising budget for the last few days.

In a close election that could come down to just a few thousand votes, this final push could make the difference. So I need to ask you right now:

Please add another $10 contribution to help us reach our goal. It's imperative that we don't cut back on anything we can do to earn more votes for Beto.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

We've been the underdogs since this campaign started. But here we stand, on the edge of a historic victory. Let's reach Tuesday with no regrets.

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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