Saturday, November 3, 2018

Under 100 hours:

Beto for Texas


There are fewer than 100 hours left before the polls close on Election Day, November 6. Now is our moment. A brand-new poll from Emerson shows Beto down by just three points. We're preparing an ads push and revving up our volunteer-powered voter contact machine to close the gap. But for us to pull this off, we need to hit our FINAL fundraising goal of this campaign.

We need to raise $3.5 million before the polls close on November 6 to cover the ads and field costs required to push Beto over the top. Can you chip in another contribution of $10 to help us get there and show that we won't slow down until we elect Beto?

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

Beto never could've gotten this far without thousands of people like you contributing, volunteering and refusing to give in. We need to keep up our momentum by spreading Beto's positive message to as many Texas voters as we can in these final hours. But it's costing nearly $1 million per day to keep this last, and largest, part of our operation to elect Beto running.

Do not miss this moment. People in every county in Texas and across the country are all volunteering and contributing. Texas voters broke records during early voting. This is what momentum looks like.

For the time that Ted Cruz has been in the Senate, he's done a lot of damage. We can stop him from doing a lot more. If we don't raise enough money to reach all the voters we need to win, so much of our work will be in jeopardy.

I know this grassroots network is ready for a final, epic push. Our question is: will you be part of it? Pitch in $10 now and help us elect Beto.

Thank you for everything so far,

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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