Friday, November 30, 2018


Dear Supporter,

Small-dollar donors had a massive impact on these midterm elections, fueling thousands of Democrats to victory up and down the ballot.

Pitching in at record rates, millions of grassroots donors made it possible for Democrats across red and blue states to have the resources they needed to win competitive races — from local offices all the way up.

The small-dollar donor movement outraised the GOP by historic proportions. And this incredible fact has put Republicans into a post-election existential crisis about fundraising — they're frantically fixating on creating a right-wing version of ActBlue to counter grassroots donations that are expanding the winning map for Democrats.

But ActBlue isn't just a piece of technology that can be created in a few days or weeks. The unparalleled energy on the left that propelled so many Democrats into office formed a true grassroots movement. And this movement is made up of and defined by millions of people like you — people from coast to coast who've done the hard work of organizing, had persistent conversations with friends and family, and donated.

So let's get this straight: This is the irreplaceable magic of a small-dollar donor movement that comes from pure people power. It can't be bought or invented in a day. And our team is so proud to be able to build the tools that support your work.

In the midterms small-dollar donors funded more races than ever and opened up our democratic institutions to a new and diverse generation of changemakers. And supporters like you are going to continue to drive change. We at ActBlue are focusing on making sure our tools are growing and evolving along with this movement — will you chip in $3 a month to support our nonprofit fundraising platform?

From all of us at ActBlue, thanks.

— Maggie, Miles, Emily, and the rest of the team

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