Thursday, November 1, 2018

The most despicable attack ad yet

Beto for Texas

Jason, this is urgent: a brand-new poll from Emerson this morning shows Beto tailing Cruz by just three points. Senator Cruz's campaign (and the eleven outside groups that are backing him up) are looking at the same numbers.

That's why, last night, a super PAC dropped the most despicable attack ad yet in this race. They're running scared -- and they know Cruz might lose.

With just 5 days until Election Day, we need to fight back against this attack with everything we've got. We're setting a FINAL fundraising goal for this campaign: $3.5 million from grassroots donations before the polls close on Election Day. Click here to rush another contribution of $10 or more today to help us get a jump-start on our goal.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

Unlike Cruz, Beto doesn't rely on super PACs and nasty attacks. We know this team has what it takes to rise up to meet this challenge head-on, not just for Beto, not just for Texas -- but for the future of our country.

Let's go.

Team Beto


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