Monday, November 5, 2018

Imagine the headlines

Beto for Texas

Hi Jason, if you're like me, you do NOT want to wake up on November 7 to this headline:

"Ted Cruz Narrowly Hangs On, Defeating Challenger Beto O'Rourke For Six More Years In Senate"

That's what Cruz and his team want -- and that's what the eleven outside groups propping him up want too. They want to rewrite the story. To stop us in our tracks. Erase all of our momentum. Make all of our hard work look like an inconvenience in Cruz's re-election campaign.

Well, Jason, we can't let that happen. We need to deliver a stunning headline of our own:

"Beto O'Rourke Topples Senator Ted Cruz in Historic Grassroots Victory, Delivers Major Victory For the People of Texas."

But we're only going to be able to do it if each and every single one of Beto's supporters does their part -- and I mean that. We're counting on everyone. We're counting on you. So I'm asking again:

Can you give another contribution of $10 or more to Beto's campaign to take on Ted Cruz? Help Beto reach his FINAL fundraising goal of this campaign.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

Every single gift you give helps our ads stay up on the airwaves across Texas, reminding voters to cast their ballots for Beto -- and it helps our organizers stay out in the field, knocking on doors and reaching the voters we need to contact before the polls close.

I've spent more than a year in the back seat of Beto's minivan, traveling across the state of Texas to each one of the 254 counties. I've learned so much about this incredible state and the amazing people who live here.

But beyond that, I've seen the hardest working candidate we've ever witnessed. You know it as well as I do -- Beto is caring, thoughtful and dedicated. He's humble and positive -- he really listens, and he'll do anything to help a person in need. I can't imagine a better person to represent Texas in the U.S. Senate.

Beto's shown up for us, time and time again. Now, we need to show up for him one last time. Pitch in $10 or more to make sure we don't fall short of our FINAL fundraising goal of this campaign.

Let's deliver historic news tomorrow night.

Talk soon,

Chris Evans
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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