Sunday, November 4, 2018

The new voters that will win this election

Beto for Texas


The latest poll has Beto tied with Ted Cruz. But here's a statistic that none of the pollsters could have predicted: 7.8%. That's the percentage of early votes cast by Texans who registered to vote in 2018. These are the new voters -- hundreds of thousands of people who normally don't show up in midterm elections -- who are going to win this race for Beto.

If we have a strong Election Day showing from these newly-registered voters, Beto can win this election in a historic upset. But we need to increase funding for our get-out-the-vote ads and field program. Right now, we're running behind on our $3.5 million goal to win:

Can we count on you to chip in again right now to help us reach our FINAL goal? All contributions from emails like this one go straight into getting more votes for Beto.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

We can see the energy here on the ground: the volunteer enthusiasm, yard signs everywhere and massive rallies for our campaign. Beto is inspiring so many people who don't normally get involved to step up. They're voting and volunteering at unprecedented levels.

That's why this election will almost certainly come down to an extremely thin margin. We need to make sure no voter is left behind.

Contribute $10 right now to boost our final get-out-the-vote efforts.

Nobody thought Beto would come this far, but our volunteers and donors have shocked the entire country with your commitment. Thank you for everything you've given so far.

Team Beto

Contribute $10 »


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