Monday, November 5, 2018

Last-minute ads push

Beto for Texas

Here we are, on the eve of the election of our lifetimes: We have under 24 hours left to elect Beto and unseat Ted Cruz. Every minute of every hour will count. There's still time for you to make an impact, Jason.

This is a full-on sprint until the polls close tomorrow at 7:00 PM CT and 7:00 MT. Beto is tied with Ted Cruz, from what the most recent reports can tell us. But whether we win or lose depends on the numbers of voters who turn out tomorrow, and there's still time to reach them and make sure they do.

So we're pulling out all the stops. We're making some last-minute adjustments to our digital and TV ads to make sure Beto's message spreads to millions of Texas voters using only the most powerful, strategic tactics.

We need more resources to pull off this last-minute ads push. Can Beto count on you one more time to pitch in, Jason? The success of this final push could spell the difference between winning and losing.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

We have come so far together. We've reached millions of voters because of your contributions already. And not with a dime of special-interest or PAC money. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will never forget what we've done -- in the biggest effort of our lives.

Now, it all comes down to the last hours of this race. Everything is on the line. Everything that we've built: our historic field program, massive grassroots campaign, all the records we've broken…I want to see it all pay off tomorrow, probably more than anything that I've wanted in my life. I bet you want to see it, too.

What I'm asking now is that you build upon everything we've accomplished so far, and see this through to the end: Every contribution now will be funneled directly into the last ads pushes of the campaign. Please pitch in whatever you can. Beto needs you. Texas, the country, and the people of tomorrow need you.

These are the hours that count the most. Let's give them everything we have -- and win.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Jody Casey
Campaign Manager
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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