Friday, November 2, 2018

The. Field. Margin.

Beto for Texas

We have an edge. It's scientifically proven to work. And we're doing it bigger than any campaign in Texas history.

I'm talking about our historic field program, Jason. Our amazing volunteers are on pace to knock two million doors in our GOTV effort. And these conversations are working: voter turnout is at an all-time high.

Beto believes in the power of people talking to people. That's why he's invested significant campaign resources into organizing. Beto has hundreds of field staff, college fellows and thousands of volunteers! It takes a lot of money, and it's why we are asking again:

Can you chip in another $10 to expand our field effort to turn out every single Beto supporter in these last few days? We've set a $3.5 million goal to ensure we reach every voter.

Contribute $10 »

Beto for Texas

In a close election like this one, a good field program with dedicated volunteers can close the gap a handful of percentage points (the so-called "field margin") by turning out additional voters.

There's been a lot of attention on Beto's fundraising. Most candidates spend their campaign money on consultants who tell them what to say and how to act. But Beto is doing something radically different: spending money to get as many Texans talking to Texans as humanly possible.

"Though we haven't taken a dime from a single PAC, we've been very fortunate the number of Texans who stepped forward -- five, ten, 15 bucks at a time -- they are funding the largest field program that you've ever seen in this state."

Add another contribution of $10 or more now to help us fund our historic field effort -- more than 800 staff on the ground and tens of thousands of amazing volunteers.

From the very beginning, we've always believed that a people-powered campaign was the only vehicle that would assure us victory. Four days out, I believe that now more than ever.


Zack Malitz
Field Director
Beto for Texas

Contribute $10 »


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