Saturday, November 3, 2018

Through rain or shine

Beto for Texas


Wednesday in San Antonio, we gathered to thank those who had voted early and to urge everyone to get every member of their family, every colleague, every classmate, every neighbor out to decide the election of our lifetime.

We were welcomed by mariachis (who, interestingly, were the second group of mariachis -- the first having left when we were delayed by Austin-to-San Antonio traffic. Life lesson: when one mariachi leaves, another is soon to follow).

Beto for Texas

I spoke by megaphone from the back of a pickup truck in the parking lot of Gilbert Garza park. Students from UTSA, parents with young children (one celebrating his first birthday!), people from all walks of life were out under a beautiful sky of rolling clouds.

Beto for Texas

As we often do, we stayed around afterward to take pictures with anyone who wanted to (remember, in 2018 if you don't take a picture and post it immediately, it didn't happen!) and thank our volunteers. But within minutes of taking the first picture, the sky opened up and a biblical rain fell on our heads, soaked our shirts and pants, filled up our shoes. And yet not a single person in the picture line left, not a single volunteer packed up and went home. We stayed for another hour in the rain, everyone sopping wet, big smiles on our faces, laughing and cheering each other on through the wet chill that we all began to feel.

Beto for Texas

Beto for Texas

But also smiling because here we were -- 6 days to go after being on the road for more than 20 months. Everyone determined to win. Everyone happy to be alive, to know that we're in this together, through thick and thin, through rain or shine.

Everyone knowing we're going to do everything we can to win this -- so that we can celebrate the victory of our lifetime for Texas.

We finished taking pictures, said goodbye to the last volunteer and then got in the Dodge Grand Caravan and made the two hour drive to Corpus Christi. (We stopped at a gas station along the way and changed into dry clothes).

I'm counting on your support to keep me going. Contribute to ensure our team has the resources we need to contact as many Texans as we can in these final 3 days.

Contribute $10 »

Love getting to do this with you. Love all the people who are the campaign. Grateful for your help to make it possible.



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