Thursday, October 31, 2019

Update: Beto’s chances

Jason, we know that Beto can catch up and qualify, but it truly depends on how willing our supporters are to fight for it.

Beto for America


Here's the latest November Debate update. 

Beto still needs 2 more qualifying polls to join the November debate. One candidate is already a step ahead of him to reaching the final requirement.

Debate Update

Jason, we know that Beto can catch up, but it truly depends on how willing our supporters are to fight for it.

We don't have any time to waste: if we want Beto to be on that debate stage in November, we have to make our fundraising deadline (11:59 PM EST tonight) and get the resources we need to rescue our chances of qualifying. Please chip in $10 before it's too late.

Contribute $10

We are so close to our goal!

– Team Beto


Are you with us, Jason?

I'm so proud of our team, and how fearless you all have been in fighting for our values and for the future we want for this country.  But there's one last favor I want to ask of you before October ends:


As we wrap up this month, I'm thinking about everything we've accomplished this October. I'm so proud of our team, and how fearless you all have been in fighting for our values and for the future we want for this country.

But there's one last favor I want to ask of you before October ends: we're $30,000 short from reaching our end-of-month goal. This might seem like a lot, but there's a lot of you. If everyone chips in even just $4.00 I know we can do it, please spare anything you can now.

Together, we've made major strides in helping Beto confront Trump's petty fear and hatred, advocate for a plan that will address the opioid crisis & war on drugs in our country, call for transformative justice, challenge this idea that we can't be bold and courageous in our politics, and push forward in the fight for meaningful, effective gun reform.

But to be honest with you, this month also brought a wave of new challenges. Because our campaign isn't afraid to take on the big fights or say what we really believe –– Beto has become the top target of the Republican party. Groups like the NRA have made our campaign the top target of attack ads and disinformation campaigns –– making it difficult for us to get the polls we need to qualify for the November debate.

We're determined to fight back and keep pushing forward in this race, but all of this depends on whether we have the resources to do it. We can't do this without you Jason: will you please chip in $4.00 and help us hit our end-of-month fundraising goal tonight?

Let's do this together.

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America



Brand new polls

New polls are being conducted and we need to do everything possible to make sure Beto is on people's minds when they answer them.

Beto for America


Tomorrow marks the beginning of November, which means brand new polls will be conducted to see where each candidate is to start the new month. This is a big opportunity for us to meet the DNC's final requirement to qualify for the November debate so Beto can join nine other candidates on the stage.  

But in order to do that, we need to ensure the people being polled say Beto's name when asked who they like. We have an aggressive grassroots plan to make sure they do — with a big ad push, door-to-door engagement by our organizers, and other proven strategies. But our ability to carry out each part of this plan really depends entirely on how much we raise before midnight tonight. The more we raise, the more people we can reach before they're polled.

Will you chip in $10 so we can reach voters before the next polls are conducted? Every dollar you pitch in before midnight tonight will go towards running a robust campaign that ensures we do everything possible to qualify for debates.

Contribute $10

Here's what the data shows:

  • In June, polls were conducted on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of the month
  • In August, FOUR polls started asking voters for their choice on the 1st
  • In September, there were FIVE polls conducted during the first week
  • And in October, there were FOUR more polls during just the first six days

Jason, we we know pollsters will start asking voters what they think in the next couple of days — they could even start tomorrow. And with little time left to qualify for the November debate, we need to make the absolute most of each poll that's being conducted. Our organizers are ready to hit doors. Our ads are set to go up online. All that's left to decide is how much we can invest in them.

At the end of the day, we'll make a decision on what we can afford to do. Will you rush $10 to help us reach voters across the country as we fight for Beto's place on the November debate stage? Every dollar counts as we do everything possible to meet the DNC's requirements.

Team Beto



FWD: $4.80

This is how close we are to helping Beto qualify for the debate, us having the resources to fight Trump's attack ads, and making sure we don't have to slash funds from the budget next month.

Beto for America


Yesterday we told you that if everyone reading our email chipped in even just $4.80, we could pull this off and hit our end-of-month fundraising goal.

We just refreshed the page and this is how close we are now

There's still time to close the gap (less than 9 hours!), but we were serious that we need every single person reading to chip in to make this happen. 

Will you please sacrifice $4.80 and do your part today for Team Beto?

Contribute $4.80, Jason

-------- Original Email --------

From: Team Beto
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2019
Subject: $4.80


There's less than 48 hours to close the gap on our end-of-month fundraising goal.

We're cutting it close — but if everyone reading this email chipped in even just $4.80 we can instantly hit our goal.

Will you please make a sacrifice today and give to our campaign $4.80 or anything you can? Every dollar makes a difference.

Contribute $4.80, Jason

So close to our goal!

More importantly, this is how close we are to:

→ Getting the resources we need to qualify Beto for the November debate (there's only 2 weeks left before the deadline)

→ Having enough money to keep fighting against the storm of attack ads Trump and the NRA have launched against our campaign (we've been the top target of their attack ads, spreading lies about Beto's campaign)

→ Making sure we don't have to slash funds from our organizing teams or early state ads (these programs are critical to building our momentum on the ground)

So we hope you believe us Jason when we say that our end-of-month fundraising goal isn't just a big number we want to brag about that we reached. It's what we need to keep running this campaign and make sure Beto stays competitive in this race. Please chip in $10 or anything you can before our deadline tomorrow night.

Contribute, Jason

–Team Beto


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Not just another email

To be perfectly honest with you –– we're not like a lot of those other campaigns emailing you.

Beto for America


We get it –– you're probably thinking, great, another fundraising email. If you've been scrolling through your inbox, you might have noticed that you're receiving a lot of emails from campaigns or organizations asking you to make a donation before the end of the month. 

But to be perfectly honest with you –– we're not like a lot of those other campaigns. We're not swimming in cash. Your donation isn't going to a rainy day fund (we need the money now). We made a promise to not take any money from PACs or special interests, and we're sticking to it. 

We're ready to prove to you why donating to our campaign goes a whole lot farther than donating to anyone else in fighting to defeat Trump and bring courage back to our politics. Please read why and then chip in $10 to help us reach our critical fundraising goal.

Contribute $10

There is an unprecedented number of candidates in this race with all sorts of approaches to politics. 

Some of them have connections to wealthy donors that have helped them for decades. Some of them know which backs like being scratched. And some of them just think that the best way to beat Trump is stashing as much money as possible, no matter where it comes from. 

What do we have? We have a movement. It started last year in Texas when we defied conventional wisdom that you can't compete against an establishment force without PAC money. We proved what's possible when you put people (not corporations or special interests) first in politics. We also proved that when you focus more on the issues people actually care about and less about scoring political points –– people trust you. 

Defeating Trump is important, but this election is about so much more than winning. It's about electing the values and vision we want for our country. That's what makes Beto's message so special in this race and why we need to make sure he's able to keep pushing every candidate in this race to be fearless in fighting for a progressive agenda. 

A people-powered movement like ours depends on the donations we receive from emails like these to fuel our work. We're not asking for a lot Jason, even just $5 makes a huge difference in helping us reach our goal and make ends meet. Please chip in whatever you can now.

– Team Beto




This is how close we are to helping Beto qualify for the debate, us having the resources to fight Trump's attack ads, and making sure we don't have to slash funds from the budget next month.

Beto for America


There's less than 48 hours to close the gap on our end-of-month fundraising goal. 

We're cutting it close — but if everyone reading this email chipped in even just $4.80 we can instantly hit our goal.

Will you please make a sacrifice today and give to our campaign $4.80 or anything you can? Every dollar makes a difference.

Contribute $4.80

We just got the latest update on our fundraising progress. This is how close we are to reaching our end-of-month goal for October.

So close to our goal!

More importantly, this is how close we are to:

→ Getting the resources we need to qualify Beto for the November debate (there's only 2 weeks left before the deadline)

→ Having enough money to keep fighting against the storm of attack ads Trump and the NRA have launched against our campaign (we've been the top target of their attack ads, spreading lies about Beto's campaign) 

→ Making sure we don't have to slash funds from our organizing teams or early state ads (these programs are critical to building our momentum on the ground)

So we hope you believe us Jason when we say that our end-of-month fundraising goal isn't just a big number we want to brag about that we reached. It's what we need to keep running this campaign and make sure Beto stays competitive in this race. Please chip in $10 or anything you can before our deadline tomorrow night.


–Team Beto


We have no doubt about this

No matter where Beto is in the polls, he's proud of our campaign and what we stand for. There is no doubt in our minds that we have the most incredible, hardworking supporters in this race.

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

Beto was recently asked about how he feels about his standing in the race and if he wishes he was doing better. This was the answer he gave:

"Look, I would love to be doing a lot better, that's for sure. But I gotta tell you, I am so grateful for the extraordinary supporters and volunteers… I wish that enthusiasm and dedication was reflected in the polls."

No matter where Beto is in the polls, he's proud of our campaign and what we stand for. There is no doubt in our minds that we have the most incredible, hardworking supporters in this race. Supporters like you are the reason we can run a grassroots-funded campaign without a single cent from PACs or special interests. 

But like Beto said, we really wish this was reflected in the polls and in the media. Here are the problems we're facing:

  • Beto has been bombarded by attack ads from Trump and Republican allies like the NRA. They know that Beto actually believes what he says –– and that terrifies them.
  • We still haven't received the qualifying polls we need to join the November debate. Beto wants to make sure that everyone in the U.S. has a chance to meet him and talk about our future, but because of his unique approach we haven't gotten the polls we need yet. 

Will you step up today to help us overcome these challenges and make sure support for Beto shines through this next leg of the race?

Contribute $10

But we have a plan to come back. Yes, we're going to run ads, but we're also going to use our best asset: people. 

But you probably know what the catch is: our plan is expensive. This isn't going to be easy, but as you know Beto isn't one to be concerned with odds. 

This is a defining moment for our campaign and we need you now more than ever. It would make an incredible difference if everyone reading this email right now chipped in $10 or anything they can to make sure Beto's message remains strong in this race.

– Team Beto



Tuesday, October 29, 2019

[WATCH] Beto on the Daily Show

Beto was on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah last night, where he shared why he's the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump.

Beto for America

Hey Jason,

Did you get a chance to watch the Daily Show with Trevor Noah last night? Beto made a clear and compelling case that he is the candidate who can win Texas and the state's 38 electoral college votes. That would put Donald Trump away forever. And it would completely change the political landscape of this country.

Beto on the Daily Show

Pitch in $10 to help us spread the word about a true grassroots campaign that will not only defeat Trump, but will change the political map for decades.

Contribute $10

Beto and Trevor also talked about being on the road, our criminal justice reform policy, Syria, polling, and what we so desperately need in a president: someone who heals instead of inflames, who brings us together instead of further dividing us, who operates on ambition and aspiration instead of fear, hate, and racism.

Jason, doing big interviews is one way we're spreading the word about Beto and why he's the best candidate as we work to qualify for the November debate. But we're also knocking on doors, running online ads, and organizing everywhere. Each of these is important, but they take A LOT of resources.

That's why we're counting on grassroots supporters like you to step up at this make or break moment. Click here to donate $10 to help spread the word about Beto.


Media Team, Beto for America


P.S. Click here if you want to watch Beto's interview on the Daily Show.


Amy Klobuchar made it. Will Beto?

Last week, Amy Klobuchar got the final polls she needs to join the debate stage, so now everyone is looking to see whether Beto will be able to do it too.

Beto for America


The deadline to qualify for the next Democratic debate is November 13. This is how close Beto is to reaching the final requirements for the November debate.

Beto only needs 2 more polls!Last week, Amy Klobuchar got the final polls she needs to join the debate stage, so now everyone is looking to see whether Beto will be able to do it too. There are a couple more polls coming out between now and the qualification deadline. So we need to start investing money immediately into getting Beto the support he needs to qualify.

We have a real chance to pull this off, Jason. Will you chip in $10 now to help us get the resources we need to make sure Beto doesn't miss his first debate?

Contribute $10

Jason, this is the harsh reality we face.

If Beto doesn't qualify for the November debate –– the media will declare that Beto's shot at winning the nomination is gone, Trump will try to convince Democrats that fighting for what's right isn't worth the political price, and our chance to connect with millions of new debate viewers will be lost.

But if Beto qualifies for the November debate –– we can prove that our grassroots movement is willing to fight every step of this race, make sure Beto is back on the debate stage to lead the conversation on the issues we care about most, and send a strong message to Trump & the NRA that their attacks won't work.

Whatever happens next, is completely up to what we do this week. One of the most powerful ways you can help us Jason at this critical time is to donate $10 or anything you can spare so we have the resources to fight for Beto.

Candidates only have until one week before the debate to qualify. And we won't get a redo if we fall short.

–Team Beto



What’s happening in Virginia

Before Virginians finish voting next week, we must remember that even though we are at a critical moment in this presidential election, we also need to put resources into electing Democrats everywhere, up and down the ballot.

Beto for America


There's a critical election happening in Virginia next week. 

Democrats have a real chance at winning control of both chambers of the statehouse for the first time in 25 years. This kind of victory wouldn't just help Virginia pass more progressive policies — it would also send a message to Donald Trump and Republicans that Democrats are fired up and ready to fight for our beliefs.

Will you split a donation with our campaign and the Virginia House & Senate Democratic Caucuses so we can build momentum for Democrats this election season and bring change to every corner of the country, starting in Virginia?

Contribute $10

I got my start in politics serving my community of El Paso as a City Councilman. My time as a Councilman taught me that no matter how high or low you are on the ballot — we all have roles to play when it comes to fighting for a more fair, more just, and more equal progressive agenda. Even before these issues were considered "common" in the Democratic party, my fellow council members and I were fighting to legalize marijuana and provide health benefits to partners of gay city employees. 

While I was running for Senate, I was reminded of this truth when we visited 254 counties in Texas and met local leaders all across the state fighting for change in their own communities. They recognized that while it's important to elect Democrats who are willing to fight for us in D.C. — our local legislators have a special duty to build change from the ground up. 

So, before Virginians finish voting next week, we must remember that even though we are at a critical moment in this presidential election, we also need to put resources into electing Democrats everywhere, up and down the ballot. 

Will you please chip in $10 to support our campaign and Virginia Democrats as they inch closer to flipping both chambers in this historic election?

I hope you will help me in supporting our friends in Virginia.




Monday, October 28, 2019

Even Tom Steyer

Candidates only have until one week before the debate to qualify. And we won't get a redo if we fall short.

Beto for America

Take a look at this, Jason.

Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight website is reporting that nine candidates have officially made the November democratic debate. Here is who will be on the debate stage when millions tune in, and who has some more work to do:

As you can see, we're still short. Can you rush $10 and help us fight for Beto's place on the debate stage? Every dollar counts as we do everything possible to hit the final DNC requirement before the big deadline.

Contribute $10

We wouldn't continue to stress this unless it was critically important — and it really is. The November debate will be the most important one yet. Why? Because millions of Americans who have not yet tuned in to this election will finally begin paying attention now that we're less than 100 days out from the first votes being cast. 

As it stands right now, they'll see Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and even Tom Steyer on the debate stage. But they won't see Beto. 

How do we change that? Grassroots supporters like you across the country all decide that we're going to collectively put forward the resources necessary to make a massive push that moves the needle. With that, we can fuel a people-powered effort to organize everywhere, run online ads that are proven to work, and implement strategies to get our message out to everyone so more Americans hear about Beto — and so we meet the DNC's final requirement. 

Without your support, Beto could be left off the debate stage. Can you help us get over the line with an urgent $10 donation? Every dollar you pitch in today will go towards running a robust campaign that ensures we do everything possible to qualify for debates.

Candidates only have until one week before the debate to qualify. And we won't get a redo if we fall short.


–Team Beto
