To be perfectly honest with you –– we're not like a lot of those other campaigns emailing you. 
We get it –– you're probably thinking, great, another fundraising email. If you've been scrolling through your inbox, you might have noticed that you're receiving a lot of emails from campaigns or organizations asking you to make a donation before the end of the month.
But to be perfectly honest with you –– we're not like a lot of those other campaigns. We're not swimming in cash. Your donation isn't going to a rainy day fund (we need the money now). We made a promise to not take any money from PACs or special interests, and we're sticking to it.
We're ready to prove to you why donating to our campaign goes a whole lot farther than donating to anyone else in fighting to defeat Trump and bring courage back to our politics. Please read why and then chip in $10 to help us reach our critical fundraising goal.
Contribute $10

There is an unprecedented number of candidates in this race with all sorts of approaches to politics.
Some of them have connections to wealthy donors that have helped them for decades. Some of them know which backs like being scratched. And some of them just think that the best way to beat Trump is stashing as much money as possible, no matter where it comes from.
What do we have? We have a movement. It started last year in Texas when we defied conventional wisdom that you can't compete against an establishment force without PAC money. We proved what's possible when you put people (not corporations or special interests) first in politics. We also proved that when you focus more on the issues people actually care about and less about scoring political points –– people trust you.
Defeating Trump is important, but this election is about so much more than winning. It's about electing the values and vision we want for our country. That's what makes Beto's message so special in this race and why we need to make sure he's able to keep pushing every candidate in this race to be fearless in fighting for a progressive agenda.
A people-powered movement like ours depends on the donations we receive from emails like these to fuel our work. We're not asking for a lot Jason, even just $5 makes a huge difference in helping us reach our goal and make ends meet. Please chip in whatever you can now.
– Team Beto