Monday, October 14, 2019

Pocket Change

You don't beat Donald Trump with half-measures or half of all people. You beat Donald Trump with a movement that stands proudly, boldly, and loudly for what's right -- no matter who's mad.

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

You've heard Beto (and others!) say that Donald Trump isn't the problem: he's the symptom. The problem is that for too long, people have watched as their incomes have gone down, their planet has cooked, and thousands have been killed in schools, churches, and Wal-Marts — all while politicians of both parties have failed to fight for what's obviously right because it's too hard or too soon.

You don't beat Donald Trump with half-measures or half of all people. You beat Donald Trump with a movement that stands proudly, boldly, and loudly for what's right — no matter who's mad. You beat them with a campaign funded by teachers, parents, and students, giving $5, $10, $15 at a time (in addition to some time making calls). Pocket change, you might say. But pocket change that adds up. In fact, if everyone who got this email gave it $10, we'd have...$10 million. (I'm bad at math but that's pretty easy). 

Building a campaign on grassroots fundraising isn't the easiest choice, but real change doesn't happen when you make decisions based on what's easy. Let's show them how powerful "pocket change" can be when we all chip in and fight together. Can you donate $10 to help make that pocket change add up?

Contribute $10

You beat Trump with a campaign driven by deeply held values, that writes nobody off or takes anyone for granted — no matter how much power you have or how big or small your donation is.

You know what doesn't beat Trump? Adjusting the sails when it gets hard. Changing your positions when the polls dictate it. Relying on and listening to a small group of elites. It's time to stop worrying about what Republicans will say. Let's just stand up for the right policy, go out, and defend it. 

We might not have the most money in the field — even among those who rely on grassroots fundraising. But that's okay. Because if you believe deeply, speak honestly, and act decisively, you can win. We don't have the jets or paid photolines. But we've got you. And that's all we're going to need.

Can you donate $10 right now and show everyone what a campaign looks like when they act on their convictions and values — not polls or conventional wisdom?

Contribute $10

We need you with us, and thanks for everything. 



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