Monday, October 14, 2019

7 top candidates are in. Here’s who:

Out of the top eight candidates, only one hasn't qualified for the critical November debate. Here's who is in:

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

As one of Beto's top supporters, we wanted to send you an official update on the Democratic primary debates. Out of the top eight candidates in this race, only one has NOT qualified for the critical November debate. 

Take a look at which of the eight have met the requirements: 

✅Joe Biden

✅Elizabeth Warren

✅Bernie Sanders

✅Pete Buttigieg

✅Kamala Harris 

✅Andrew Yang

❌Beto O'Rourke 

✅Cory Booker 

The November debate will be the most important one yet. Why? Because millions of Americans who have not yet tuned in to this election will finally begin tuning in this fall. And we need to make sure they see Beto up on that debate stage when they do. 

That's why we set a goal to raise $2 million in the next couple of weeks. Without your support, we could be left off the debate stage come November. Can you help Beto make the debate with an urgent $10 donation?

Contribute $10

Candidates have until one week before the debate to qualify. And since we're running a grassroots campaign powered by people, it's on every single one of us to make sure we get Beto across the line. There won't be any PACs, corporations, lobbyists, or special interests swooping in to save the day. And Beto isn't the kind of candidate who can just buy his way in. 

Pitching in today helps us make a grassroots push—organizing everywhere, running online ads, and getting our message out to everyone—so more Americans hear about what we're building and so we meet the DNC's requirements for the November debate. Beto is counting on us to come through so he can deliver for all of us. We have to get him on the debate stage. 

Will you chip in $10 or anything you can to help Beto qualify for the November debate? Every dollar counts as we do everything possible to reach our massive fundraising goal. 

Contribute $10

Thanks for stepping up. 

-Team Beto 


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