Monday, October 7, 2019

Buying your way onto the debate stage

Look, Beto isn't going to write this campaign a $12 million check. He's not accepting money from PACs or lobbyists either.

Beto for America

Jason, a new candidate will be joining the debate stage.

Tom Steyer is a billionaire hedge fund manager who already spent a staggering $17.6 million on TV ads trying to qualify for the debates. Now, he's succeeded in buying his way up there.

Beto needs to raise a lot of money to qualify for the debates too. But we're not going to write our own campaign a $12 million check. We're not going to accept PAC or lobbyist money. Instead, we're funding our campaign 100% with grassroots donations. And since our average contribution is less than $25, we'll need a lot more people on our side to compete with billionaire self-funders.

Can you help Beto make the debates with a $10 donation? Without your support, we could be heavily outspent by candidates like Tom Steyer.

Contribute $10

We wish money weren't so important in elections. But when a billionaire can write a multi-million dollar check and buy enough support to get on the debate stage, it's clear how important money is and we know our democracy is in trouble.

The only way to clean up this mess and diminish the influence of money in our politics is to run a grassroots-funded campaign like ours.

Join us and make a $10 donation to say you want to win the right way.

-Team Beto


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