Thursday, October 17, 2019

About to start

Beto is getting ready to start the Rally Against Fear and we're blown away by how many folks have already shown up to stand together in solidarity against Donald Trump's rally in Texas tonight.

Beto for America


We're emailing you from Grand Prairie, Texas. 

Beto is getting ready to start the Rally Against Fear and we're blown away by how many folks have already shown up to stand together in solidarity against Donald Trump's rally in Texas tonight.

If you're not able to be with us tonight and want to send your support, will you chip in $10 and show everyone how united our movement is?

It would send a huge message to Trump tonight if we can say a wave of supporters stood with us across the country and donated during the Rally Against Hate.

Contribute $10

Just minutes away from us, Trump is doing whatever he does to prepare for his trademark rage-filled, deceitful campaign rallies.

Ever since he started running for President, his rallies have given birth to some of the most divisive and racist rallying calls of his platform. 

"Build the wall"

"Send her back"

Referring to Mexicans as "rapists" and "criminals"

Over time, we've found that Trump's rhetoric is more than just hate speech –– it's fuel in a rise in violence across our country. Texans know this too well –– after a gunman killed 22 people in El Paso we soon found out that his violence was inspired by Trump's political messages. 

That's why it's so important to us tonight that we confront Trump's rally with our diversity, solidarity, and courage. Together we will show Trump that his hate isn't welcome here or anywhere. Will you please chip in $10 and help us send that message to Trump?

Contribute $10

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America


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