Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Did you watch Beto tonight?

He made it clear that he cares more about taking a stand for what's right rather than what's politically easy.

Beto for America


Did you watch Beto in tonight's debate? He made it clear that he cares more about taking a stand for what's right rather than what's politically easy. 

Tomorrow, Beto will be back on the campaign trail to meet voters, listen to their stories, and let the Americans who have been the target of Trump's dangerous, divisive message know that we are fighting for them.

Let's send him back on the road with some good news: Chip in $10 today, help us make a big dent in our $2 million fundraising goal, and let Beto know you're proud to be on his team after tonight's debate!

Contribute $10

Make a quick contribution to show your support. It'll be a big help as we hit the road again and pursue our big goal.

– Team Beto


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