Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Most important debate yet

This debate is going to be the most important one yet, let me explain why.

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

The next democratic debate will be Oct 15. in Ohio.

This debate is going to be the most important one yet, so we really want to raise a wave of donations by the time Beto gets to Ohio. Let me explain why:

  1. After the debate, there will only be 3 months left until 2020. We believe this will be a huge turning point in the election season and we need to start showing the world how hungry our campaign is to compete. 
  2. This night will be a huge opportunity for Beto to have another BIG moment. At the last debate, Beto stole the night when he said "hell yes we're going to take your AR-15's" and made it clear that he's not afraid of taking on the gun lobby. If we can have another momentus debate night, that'll boost our campaign to the next level. 
  3. This will be the biggest lineup yet for a debate. There's going to be 12 candidates talking in just 1 night and we want to make sure that when Beto walks on stage, everyone knows he's the candidate to watch.

That's why our upcoming debate is going to be a huge deal. So we want to prove to Beto that we have his back walking into this debate and show off how fired up our grassroots movement is before he gets on the stage.

Will you chip in $10 or anything you can before the debate? Every dollar counts leading up to a make-or-break moment like this.

Contribute $10

-Team Beto


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