Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The truth

Last night's debate was a powerful reminder of why Beto's voice is so critical in this race.

Beto for America


Last night's debate was a powerful reminder of why Beto's voice is so critical in this race. 

He spoke candidly about the urgent issues our country faces. Especially when it comes to gun reform, Beto knows that Americans ⁠— most importantly survivors of gun violence ⁠— deserve more than just talking points or soundbites. They deserve a leader who has the courage to take a stand and fight for what's right (not what's politically easy). That's why he couldn't care less about what's poll-tested or consultant approved ⁠— he's just going to say what he believes.

Despite the fact that Beto is leading the conversation forward, here's the harsh reality our campaign is facing today. 

Even though so many people loved what they saw from Beto last night, he still isn't qualified for the November debate. We're determined to get him back on the debate stage next month, but we're going to need your help to do it.

So here's the plan: We need to raise $2 million in the next couple of weeks to help Beto qualify for the November debate. Will you chip in $10 or anything you can to help out (every dollar counts)?

Contribute $10

Debates are a critical way for candidates to share their message with an audience that might not have heard from them before. We can already see how many new supporters are googling Beto's story, visiting the website, and signing up to volunteer for our campaign ever since last night. 

The media wants us to think this is a 2-person race –– but we refuse to let Beto's voice get drowned out.

Please Jason: If everyone reading this email gives $10 I know we can get Beto on that debate stage in November. Will you chip in what you can?

– Team Beto


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