Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hi – I’m Margaret

I guess you can say that this day is like the "Organizing Olympics" or Super Bowl of my job. Everyone's watching. There's always that one underdog that blows us away. And how well this day goes — completely depends on how we start preparing — right here, right now.

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

I'm Margaret — I'm the Iowa Caucus Director for Beto's campaign. 

100 days. That's all the time we have left from now until the Iowa caucus. This day is huge for 2 main reasons:

  1. The Iowa Caucuses will be the first opportunity that Americans will have to choose their preferred candidate for the democratic presidential nominee. 
  2. Whatever happens on this day will determine how much momentum our campaign has going into Super Tuesday. 

I guess you can say that this day is like the "Organizing Olympics" or Super Bowl of my job. Everyone's watching. There's always that one underdog that blows us away. And how well this day goes — completely depends on how we start preparing — right here, right now. 

There's a lot of work that needs to get done these next 100 days. Please help us hit our fundraising goal and raise $400,000 so we can get the resources we need to share Beto's story with every single voter in Iowa.

Contribute $10

Getting ready for the Iowa Caucus is a huge endeavor. 

With only 100 days left it's critical we start pouring more resources into rallying support for Beto, sharing his story with voters, and having as many human-to-human conversations as possible about how Beto has the courage to fight for the issues that Iowans care about most. 

This means having the funding to meet people where they are. We have a motto here in Iowa, "Engage Everyone and Go Everywhere," but that requires us to supply our Iowa Team of organizers and volunteers with literature, pens, paper, clipboards, and gas cards.

Because we're running a grassroots-funded campaign, we have to be resourceful with what we have. But we know that if we raise $400,000 we can have enough resources to forge a breakout moment in Iowa and create the momentum we need to win the primary. 

We hope you'll join us in making history, JasonThe world will be watching what happens in Iowa and I want you to have a piece in making this happen, please chip in $10 to boost our organizing efforts on the ground right now.

Let's ride,




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