Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bad news

We only have a couple weeks left to gather the support we need to get Beto on the November debate stage.

Beto for America

Beto still isn't qualified for the November debate.

We only have a couple weeks left to gather the support we need to get him on that stage. There's no way we can let Beto miss this next debate: Will you please rush $10 now?

Contribute $10

Hi Jason,

We're going to be honest with you, this is becoming an urgent situation. We're way behind where we need to be if we want to reach our $2 million fundraising goal and get Beto on the debate stage next month. 

If we don't start picking up the pace to reach our $2 million fundraising goal:

→ We'll run out of time to qualify Beto for the November debate (Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris are already qualified)

Beto will lose a massive opportunity to share his message with the millions of people who will tune in to watch

The issues that Beto has been working so hard to bring at the forefront of this election could disappear from the conversation without his leadership 

But if more grassroots donors start stepping up and pitching in anything they can today, we'll still have time to catch up to our goal and qualify Beto for the debate. Will you please chip in $10?

Contribute $10

We really hate to think that Beto might not be on that debate stage next month.

In the past recent debates, Beto has proved to us that his message of courage over political convenience is desperately needed in this race. 

Time is running out and we're counting on you to help us get the surge of support we need to qualify Beto for the debate. Please Jason: It would mean a lot to us if you can chip in $10 today.

- Team Beto


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