Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Path

I know that if we execute on this plan, we can win.

Beto for America

Hi Jason,

Yesterday we held an all-staff call with Beto, our team, and our supporters. We revealed that this past quarter we raised $4.5 million with an average donation of just $27.

We ended the quarter with a surge in support and we have a real shot to win. Beto knows we have all the right ingredients for a huge breakout moment, but we're convinced that we need to do it within the next 6 weeks to have a chance to grow our support, increase our name ID, and get on the debate stage in November.

Now we've set an all-hands-on-deck goal of raising $2 million in the next 6 weeks. Can you be one of the first to donate to our goal right now?

Donate to our goal


  • We won't take a single dollar for granted. Every expense is evaluated to make sure we are gaining new supporters or telling the story of our campaign with the ultimate goal of winning.
  • We value our people. Beto is a leader in this race by living out our values. We pay our staff competitively and provide quality benefits. No full-time staff member is paid below $50,400. This allows us to attract the best and brightest campaign staff.
  • We focus on building a scalable, impactful organizing program. Our voter contact efforts are ramping up across the country — and we're focused on building programs that prioritize scale and impact. 

Can you make a contribution towards our $2 million goal right now? Without your support, there's no way for us to pull off this plan.


  • Voters are still weighing their options. Only 9% of voters have made up their minds about who they are supporting for president.
  • We are telling the real story of Beto O'Rourke. Only 61% of the electorate knows Beto, which means we have space to continue introducing him to voters. The more people learn about Beto, the more they like him: name recognition and favorability have climbed in lockstep since he got into the race in March.
  • We prioritize non-traditional voters and key audiences. Young people, Latinx people, independent voters — our strongest support comes from the kinds of audiences that don't get polled as often. And we have every reason to believe these voters will grow in influence in the 2020 primary electorate.
  • We aren't ignoring Super Tuesday. Early states remain a priority, but this is a nationalized race and a massive field. We're running to win in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada and using it to launch us into Super Tuesday  that's where we have real, additional strength.

The only way we can move down this path to win is with your financial support. Can you contribute to help us raise $2 million?


  • Advertising: We're going to take Beto's story, his vision for the country, and his viability as a candidate directly to voters. And we need to meet them where they are — not only in person, but on TV, online, and yes, even in their mailboxes. 
  • Organizing: We have a number of programs within organizing that we'd like to execute on, but we're short on national organizing capacity. Some of these programs include: 
    • Persuasion phone calls/texts to voters we believe are on the fence about Beto
    • A national relational persuasion program (the pilot of which begins Monday)
    • A postcard program, allowing voters in Texas who know Beto to write directly to "fence-sitters" and share their stories
    • An Online Organizing Hub, so anyone can take action from anywhere

We've set an ambitious goal of raising $2 million because it's what we need to fund these key programs. Can you donate now?

Donate to our goal

I know that if we execute on this plan, we can win. But we're counting on you to make all this happen. Beto has always said he can't win this campaign, or create real change as president, on his own. It's going to take all of us.

If you're ready to be part of making history, be one of the first to donate towards our goal right now. It couldn't be more important.

Thank you for all you do,

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America


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