Friday, October 18, 2019


We need to elect someone who doesn't compromise their values and knows how to build a movement from the bottom-up. Doing that, takes courage — something Beto knows a lot about.

Beto for America

We need your help: Beto is choosing courage over political safety in this race. He knows that's speaking the truth and taking a stand is the only way we can fix the division and problems in our country.

But he can't do this by himself: We need your help to raise $2 million and get our campaign the resources it needs so Beto can keep acting on courage. Will you chip in $10 and help out?

Contribute $10

Jason, we all want to beat Trump next year. 

But we need to remember that defeating Trump isn't going to instantly cure the division, racism, and bigotry that his administration has sewn. We need to elect someone who doesn't compromise their values and knows how to build a movement from the bottom-up. 

Doing that, takes courage ⁠— something Beto knows a lot about.

When many of our leaders in D.C. were debating about the political consequences of impeaching Trump...

Beto had the courage to support impeachment since 2017.

Choose Courage: Donate $10

When gun violence struck our country (again) and our leaders agreed (again) that something needed to be done…

Beto had the courage to call for a mandatory assaults weapon buyback  a critical step in gun reform.

Choose Courage: Donate $10

When critics thought there was no point for Beto to run against Ted Cruz in Texas ⁠— a state that hasn't had a state-wide Democratic leader in 25 years and had the worst voter participation rate in the country...

Beto's courage to run helped increase young voter turnout by 500%, made Texas a battleground state for 2020, and inspired more Democrats to run in historically red states.

Choose Courage: Donate $10

This is a defining moment for our country. History will remember how we chose to fight back and we hope we can put your name in the books, Jason.

Please help us to keep choosing courage over fear and donate $10 to help us reach our critical fundraising goal.

- Team Beto


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