Friday, October 18, 2019


Last night was electric. Thousands of us gathered with Beto at our Rally Against Fear. It was a powerful reminder of how strong we are when we stand together.

Beto for America

Beto at the Rally Against Fear

Last night was electric. Thousands of us gathered with Beto at our Rally Against Fear. It was a powerful reminder of how strong we are when we stand together.

Trump is determined to ruin our momentum, so he used his rally to attack Beto. Will you chip in $10 to show Trump that his attacks won't stop us from fighting for Beto's message?

Contribute $10

Jason, last night there were 2 rallies in Texas.

Trump held a campaign rally in Dallas, bearing a message of hate. 

  • He bragged about his phone call with the Ukrainian President and how Democrats will never be able to impeach him
  • He spread more lies about how scared we need to be of liberals taking your guns away, illegal immigrants, "crazy" Nancy Pelosi, and fake news
  • He attacked Beto calling him "very dumb" and smeared Beto's platform

We held a Rally Against Fear just miles away from where Trump was –– asking folks to come and stand together in solidarity against our president's divisive agenda. 

  • We honored the lives of 22 Texans who became victims of Trump's racist, anti-immigrant rhetoric and all those who have suffered at the hands of his bigoted administration
  • We reaffirmed our promise as a campaign to fearlessly lead on the issues you care about most, no matter the political cost
  • And we made it clear that the only way Beto is going to defeat Trump is if we come together as one just like we did last night

We're counting on our supporters to unite again and help us reach a critical $2 million fundraising goal. Will you please chip in $10 now?

Contribute $10

What we witnessed last night was incredible. 

But the sad truth is that moments like last night can't happen without money and we need to keep showing up in the places Trump spreads his hate if we want to confront his message.

Will you chip in $10 to help us keep confronting Trump and make Beto's voice heard in this race?

- Team Beto


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